Oyster Seafood

Zeke said no to my meal so here are your oysters Zeke.

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Jade Palace -In front of the tree in the middle of the water garden

Jade Palace 2 -next to the pink tree in the rock garden.

Hametsu Village -Look near the opening to the rest of the street.

Tatakai Outpost -Look behind the well next to Maito’s Dojo.

Shoshun Village -There will be 4 Pagotas surrounding the river,look behind the 1st one to your left.

Kishibe Village -Look behind the well near Mossback.

Shirataki Temple -Near where the Wavebringer is.

Yoshihito Temple -In between 2 small monuments on the ground level.

Village of Sorrow -Look near the old building to the right of the Town Dojo.

Tree of Life -Near the Tree of Life’s surrounding walls, on the inside. Stand in front of the tree, facing away from it. Opposite the side Yishin Chen is standing. Run ahead till you hit the wall and look down.


See you in school

Country Gamer

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